The Greater Memphis
Bridging The Talent Gap Employer Survey
Memphis is a vibrant city that continues to attract key businesses and industries, and they all have one thing in common --- the need for a robust and agile workforce able to pivot and upskill to meet current and future needs. To support regional efforts to grow the workforce of the future, the Greater Memphis Chamber is launching the 2023 Bridging the Talent Gap Employer Survey to identify skills and education needs in the greater Memphis region.
What is Bridging the Talent Gap?
Bridging The Talent Gap or BTTG is a groundbreaking, grassroots initiative to help employers and other stakeholders understand the regional skills and education landscapes to support the creation of a skilled and thriving workforce in our community. The BTTG campaign sponsor, The Graduate! Network, leads a national effort to increase college completion among adults, one community at a time, and Bridging The Talent Gap is their employer and employee engagement strategy.
About the Survey
Chambers in the Memphis region will invite Human Resource Directors and CEOs/Presidents to complete a 15-minute survey to understand the hiring environment, talent needs and current talent development focus in the greater Memphis region.
Participating in the BTTG Survey gives employers and employees of the greater Memphis region a voice to guide the development of lasting solutions to
Increase educational attainment
Meet existing and future talent needs
Ensure the region has a skilled and educated workforce
You can access the Memphis Employer Survey Dashboard here.
Survey Timeline
The survey ran during the six week period from January 2nd 2023 to February 10th 2023.